Guest house Plavno GD

Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Lepel district, Volova Gora village.

coordinates for GPS Navigator 54°48.533' N, 28°25.526' E

Today Tuesday, 22.10.2024
 10:07 Minsk


Reservation Department

Guest house «Plavno» is located in the Lepel District of the Vitebsk Region in the territory of the Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve. The picturesque Lake Plavno is located not far away, and around the houses there are mostly coniferous trees that create a wonderful atmosphere and healthy air. Guests live in houses with cozy rooms and authentic interior details. For catering, there is a restaurant, and there is also an equipped kitchen.

Rest in this place can be organized depending on your preferences. On the territory of the guest house "Plavno" there are opportunities for a picnic in nature, a pleasant pastime on the beach, cycling. Fans of sports games will also find something to occupy themselves: a basketball court, volleyball court, tennis court and football field are located next to the houses. Fishing is possible on the lake. Children will also like this place: swings and slides will not make them bored. One of the enjoyable activities is also a visit to a real Russian bath.

Rooms and rates

  Accomodation / Conveniences / Facilities     The price of the room / cottage a night

x8   for 8 people (guest house №1, 2)

 WC, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, double bed, electric kettle, equipment for the house, fridge, kitchen, microvawe oven, oven
22-October -  22-December-2024 141
   Cost for room (house) for 8 people 141 a day.
C  23-December-2024 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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x6   for 6 people (guest house №3)

  possible 1 additional seats

 WC, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, double bed, electric kettle, equipment for the house, fireplace, fridge, kitchen, microvawe oven, oven
22-October -  22-December-2024 92
   Cost for room (house) for 6 people 92 a day.
C  23-December-2024 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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for 4 people (guest house №4-5)

 WC, bidet, shower, washstand / TV, Wi-Fi, air conditioner, double bed, electric kettle, equipment for the house, fridge, kitchen, microvawe oven, oven, tableware
22-October -  22-December-2024 92
   Cost for room (house) for 4 people 92 a day.
C  23-December-2024 - prices not approved Show prices and discounts
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Photos of rooms available for reference. Interior design, equipment and furniture arrangement is specified for standard rooms and may vary.

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